©2014-Susana Vera Agency- All Rights Reserved


If a friend drives my car, is he or she covered by my  policy?

It depends on your policy and the carrier that you are insured with. Please call my office or your carrier directly to review your coverage.

My golf clubs were stolen from my vehicle. Am I covered?

Golf Clubs or any other personal belongings are not covered under your auto policy, however there may be coverage for this under your homeowners or tenant policy. Please call my office or your carrier directly to review your coverage.

I caused an accident and am being sued by the other driver. Am I covered?

This portion of your coverage is your liability. Definitely call my office or your carriers claims office immediately!

Does rental reimbursement provide coverage if I take my car to a shop for mechanical repairs?

Not usually. Rental Reimbursement provides coverage while your vehicle is in the shop due to a covered loss. You would have to file a claim for this coverage to apply. Please call my office or your carrier directly for more coverage information.

How can I be sure I have the right coverage?

My office offers you a policy coverage review at each renewal to determine which is the right coverage for you. Please call my office to schedule this at anytime.  


Ph: 720.439.3200

Fx: 720-489-3800



PO Box 390511

Denver, CO 80239